Job and RFP Postings

MPPI provides an opportunity to advertise. 
For further information, please contact
The cost for this service for members and non members is $300.

Requests for Proposal:


Job Postings:

Position: Coordinator, Community Planning

Company: The City of Calgary

Click here for the full job description.

Apply online at 

Position: Community Planner

Company: Red River Planning District

Click here for the full job description.

Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and detailed resume, including three references, marked Community Planner no later than 4:00 P.M. Monday March 31, 2024 


Position:Planner 1

Company: The City of Calgary

Click here for the full job description.

Apply online at 

Position: Communications + Engagement Specialist
Company: Scatliff + Miller + Murray
Click here for the full job description.
Please submit your resume and references to
Cheryl Dixon MALA, CSLA


Position: Senior Urban Planner
Position Type: Regular/Full-Time 
Company: Paragon Living 
Click here for the full job description and details on applying.


Title: Planning Manager

Company: WSP

Click here for the full job description and details on applying.

Title: Planner 2

Company: The City of Calgary

Position Type: 9 Permanent & 2 Temporary (up to 22 months)

Compensation: Pay Grade 13 $47.77 – 63.92 per hour

Full Job Description

Click here to apply.

Title: Planner

Company: Narratives Inc.

Employee status: Full-Time, One Year Term (Intention of transitioning to permanent full-time)

Please click here to view the full job description.

Please submit your cover letter and resume to