
The Registered Professional PLanners Act (Bill 31)

Message from Presdient

David Jopling, MCIP

I am pleased to inform you that the Registered Professional Planners Act (Bill 31) has received third reading and Royal Assent should be received in the near future (see attached pdf).  An excerpt from the Hansard is attached outlining the approval of third reading of the Bill from the Minister of Municipal Government (Drew Caldwell) and discussion by the Opposition (Ralph Eichler).  If you would like to see the full, original Hansard, it is available here.

Special recognition is extended to the MPPI members responsible for moving this initiative forward: Valdene Lawson, Dave Palubeski, David Marsh and Lloyd Talbot.   Thanks for your dedication, perseverance and hard work over the last few years!

The Bill will serve the profession well in Manitoba, put us on a level playing field with our counterparts in other Provinces, and give Manitoba planners an extra level of credibility in the eyes of the public and our clients/customers.

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